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Expense Report Monitoring

An expense report in the Financial Management System is a transaction document that needs timely completion during the fiscal year and especially by the end of the fiscal year.  Departments should follow best practices and take action to ensure any pending or unused expense reports are either completed or deleted in a timely manner.  These practices will help ensure that faculty and staff are being reimbursed as timely as possible and that budget balances are updated in a timely manner to reflect accurate funds availability. 


Please follow these best practices for cleaning up travel and general expense reports:

  • Create a travel or general expense report when you are ready to seek reimbursement.
  • Ensure all pending travel or general expense reports are submitted for approval, pushed back for modification, or deleted
  • Delete duplicates of another travel or general expense report
  • Correct all budget errors to ensure the expense reports complete the workflow
  • If a travel or general expense report is in push back status, the amounts on the report may have updated the Commitment Control Ledgers and affected budget balances.  Departments should take one     of the following actions to correct the entry:
    • Revise and resubmit the travel or general expense report.
    •   Delete the travel or general expense report

To assist units with monitoring expense reports, query UGA_TE_EXP_PENDING_OR_IN_WF can be used.  This query provides any expense report that is pending submission or any expense report that is waiting for a department to approve at either the HR supervisor level or expense manager level. The listed approvers include any adhoc approvers that may have been delegated. Approvers in the last two columns are the employees that the expense report is waiting to be approved by.  The list also includes those approval levels that have multiple approvers.  The query prompts the user to enter the department ID, but it can also be ran without the department if desired.