Spreedsheet Uploads
An Excel spreadsheet with embedded Visual Basic scripts into which header and transaction data can be entered for upload into PeopleSoft. Transactions thus created are processed using standard workflow. It works best for departments that process small batches of transactions or infrequent larger batches of transactions; departments that can store any reference information they need for reconciliation in the delivered data fields (e.g., Reference Number, Transaction Description.)
If you are interested in using a spreadsheet upload for Accounts Payable, please email onesource@uga.edu and we can assist you.
All spreadsheets should be emailed to apupload@uga.edu along with the supporting documentation for the request. Emails should also include the name and email address of the individual responsible for approving payment.
- Supplier Payment Template Instructions
- Supplier Payment Template
- Research Participant Payments $100 or less Instructions
- Research Participant Payments $100 or less
- Research Participant Payments over $100 Instructions
- Research Participant Payments over $100
- Reimburse UGA employee for research incentive payments Instructions
- Reimburse UGA employee for research incentive payments