Staff Networking Group Image

What is the initiative?

The purpose of this networking group is to provide business and HR professionals across divisions of UGA the opportunity to connect and share ideas, discuss challenges/best practices, provide insight and exploration to develop/further skill sets, and support each other professionally. There will be no charge to participate in this program and it is assumed that most groups will begin online. Smaller groups may choose other options as they move forward.

Who can apply?

At this time, any employee who has financial or HR job responsibilities and works on any of the UGA campuses can apply. If your job entails financial or HR responsibilities, you are able to join.

How does it work?

  • There will be two six-month programs yearly, running from October – March and April – September.
  • Participants will be matched together in groups of 8-10 based on their priorities as identified in their program application.
  • Groups are led by a facilitator and will meet at least once a month.
  • The program will kick-off with an orientation meeting for all participants.
What is the commitment?

Participants must be willing to attend their networking group meetings as decided by their group (at a minimum, once a month).

How do I sign up?


Who can I contact with additional questions?

Committee Members:

Penny Benton, Facilities Maintenance Division –

Lisa Catanese, Auxiliary Services Division –

Anjali Dougherty, Internal Auditing Division

Sarah Fraker, Terry College of Business –

Brian Freese, Carl Vinson Institute of Government –

Sherri Gooch, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences –

Shawn Hill, Finance & Administration –

Stacy Jones, Georgia Center for Continuing Education –

David Maddox, University Human Resources 

Jared Peden, University Libraries –

Victoria Salyers, Finance & Administration