Direct Deposit Policy
In November 2011, the Board of Regents issued a policy with respect to direct deposit
and directed all system institutions to implement the new requirements. Effective
April 1, 2012, and in accordance with Board of Regents Policy Required Electronic
Transfer of Funds ( http://www.usg.edu/policymanual/section7/policy/C460/#p7.5.1_banking), direct deposit is the required method of payroll payments to UGA employees. All
newly hired or rehired employees on or after April 1, 2012, are required to enroll
in direct deposit within thirty (30) days of hire or rehire and remain enrolled in
direct deposit for the remainder of their employment. For more information go to http://www.policies.uga.edu/FA/.
If an employee attempts to change their direct deposit to certain identified banks
with increased risk of payroll fraud, the system will not allow the banking information
to be saved. Instead, a system-generated pop-up note will instruct the employee to
contact the institution HR/payroll office to make the change. If you receive this
message, please complete this form and payroll will follow up to verify your identity and request additional documentation.