Contact Us
For questions or assistance for a specific purchase order, please directly contact the Issuing Officer listed on the summary tab of the purchase order. If no Issuing Officer is listed on the purchase order or they are no longer in UGA Procurement, please send a UGAmart comment to user ‘UGA Procurement Assistant’ and it will be routed to the best available contact.
For general questions or assistance, please contact your unit’s Designated Procurement Point of Contact. If no contact is listed, please use the main Procurement email address and phone number below to be routed to the best available contact.

Procurement Dept.
Business Services Building
424 East Broad Street Rm 301
Athens, GA 30602
Fax: 706-542-7035
Staff Directory
Procurement Officers

Chief Procurement Officer
Assistant Procurement Officer - Sourcing
Sourcing Teams

TEAM FOCUS: Support units (EITS, Aux Services), Leadership units, Vehicles, etc

Procurement Specialist
TEAM FOCUS: Schools and Colleges, Research units, etc.

Procurement Specialist

Operations Team
Report to Chad Cox

Senior Procurement Specialist
Procurement Systems

Purchasing Card Team
Report to Bob Currey

Contract Negotiator Team
Report to Bob Currey

Strategic Sourcing Team
Report to Bob Currey

Strategic Sourcing Specialist
Strategic Sourcing Specialist