Student Account Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access my student account?
Please reference Student Account Login Instructions.
Can my parent have access to my Student Account?
Students can logon to their Student Account to set up individuals as “Authorized Users”
for purposes of making payment on their account.
Authorized users do not have access to student’s stored payment methods, refund
profiles, academic records, or other personal information.
See Authorized User Setup for assistance.
When is the payment deadline?
Student account balances are considered due on the first day of class. Any charges
incurred on or after the first day of class
are considered due immediately. See the Payment Deadlines
tile on the Bursar and Treasury Services website for more information.
Late fees are assessed for unpaid balances after the drop/add period. Shortly
after assessing late fees for unpaid balances,
students with unpaid accounts for the current or prior term(s) are subject
to schedule cancellation.
When will I receive a bill?
Students are billed electronically approximately one month in advance of classes starting
for the term. Students can now
view their estimated bill based on their current
registration in ATHENA prior to billing. For additional estimates, please
see our Estimated Cost Calculator on the Bursar website.
Please reference the Office of Student Financial Aid’s Cost of Attendance
for additional costs not reflected on the estimated calculator.
How will I know a change has been made to my student account balance?
Students are emailed daily regarding any new activity posting to their account. To
view changes,
students are directed to access their student account in ATHENA.
What is covered under the fees assessed on my student account?
A description of each mandatory fee is provided on the
Bursar and Treasury Services website.
What is the Special Institution Fee?
Please reference Mandatory Fee Information on the Bursar and Treasury Services website.
Why was my financial aid refunded not applied to my student account balance?
Please note, financial aid is automatically applied to outstanding student account charges first where allowable; however, depending on financial aid authorizations the student has granted and charges incurred, funds may be refunded to the student while an amount due remains on the student’s account. It is imperative students ensure student account balances are satisfied in a timely manner to avoid restriction of services on campus as well as collection efforts. Please see https://busfin.uga.edu/bursar/Athena_Permission_to_Pay_v2.pdf for instructions on granting aid authorization for federal and state aid. |
What fees will be assessed on my student account?
Fees are assessed based on your hours of enrollment as well as your primary campus of study. For additional details, please reference the fee policy found on the Bursar and Treasury Services website. |
How are Parent Plus Loans Disbursed?
During the application process, parents will have the option to 1) specify IF they authorize UGA Student Account Services to use the PLUS loans to pay other educationally related charges on their student’s account AND 2) indicate IF they want UGA Student Account Services to disburse directly to them or to their student any PLUS loan funds that may remain after your student’s charges for the semester have been paid. Note, at this time, if you wish any remaining loan funds to be delivered via direct deposit to a bank account, you must select pay directly to “the student.” Funds directed to the student are direct deposited if an established refund profile exists on their student account; otherwise, a check is requested and mailed. pay directly to “the student.” Funds directed to the student are direct deposited if an established refund profile exists on their student account; otherwise, a check is requested and mailed. |
How do I pay on my student account?
Please see the Bursar and Treasury Services website for payment options. |
Are email notifications sent to parents or other authorized users?
Most email communication is sent to the student only. Email notifications are sent to authorized users each time an electronic billing statement is generated. An authorized user also receives confirmation when a scheduled payment is setup under their sign in. |
How do I reinstate?
In the event your schedule is dropped for non-payment as a result of a balance remaining on your student account or past due balances unresolved from the prior term, you may complete the Registrar’s Petition to Reinstate Class Schedule and email the form to reghelp@uga.edu. Upon approval, you have 3 business days to pay your account in full before being considered for cancellation a final time. Please reference the Registrar’s Office website for the entire reinstatement instructions. |
Where is my 529 payment?
During peak times, it can take several days for the University to receive your payment from the 529 plan when you instruct funds to be sent directly to the school by check as opposed to other payment options, so please plan accordingly. Select 529 Plans (including Georgia's Path2College 529 Plan) now have an Electronic Payment Option. For a small associated fee, funds can be sent directly to UGA within a few days (2-4 days). Please note payments sent directly to the university should NOT exceed the current amount due for the TERM. Should you select the electronic payment, you will be required to submit your student's UGAID. In the event you instruct withdrawal of 529 funds to be sent directly to the University, please allow 10-14 days for processing. On your withdrawal request, please ask the plan provider to note your student's full name and UGAID number on the check, make check payable to “University of Georgia” and mail directly to Bursar & Treasury Services: 105 Business Services Bldg, 424 E. Broad St, Athens, GA 30602-4227. Checks made payable to the University should NOT exceed the balance due on your student's account for the term in which is being paid. Overpayments for the term are not accepted. |
When will my 1098T be available?
No later than January 31st, the University of Georgia will provide a Form 1098-T to each enrolled student billed for tuition at the University during the previous calendar year. Forms can be accessed via your student account. If you did not select to view your statement online, your statement will be mailed. For additional information regarding 1098-Ts, please reference the “taxes” tile on the Bursar and Treasury Services website. |
Why do I owe a balance, I have the Hope/Zell scholarship?
While the Zell scholarship covers only tuition and the Hope scholarship covers only a portion, neither cover fees or other expenses. In addition to tuition and fees, you could owe a balance related to other charges such as housing, dining, parking, etc. The Office of Student Financial Aid adjusts Hope/Zell scholarship awards as changes are made to hours enrolled and thus can impact a balance being owed depending on when you review your account. Also, in cases where your award letter is being adjusted for other aid, this can cause a difference due on your account. If you believe there is an issue with your awarded aid, you may contact the Office of Student Financial Aid or if you need to discuss your balance due, please contact Student Account Services. In regards to aid and balances due, please note students have the option to allow financial aid to pay non-tuition and fee charges on their student account. It is helpful to grant authorization to cover noninstitutional fees not covered by your financial aid. Not doing so could result in you receiving your refund while a balance remains on your account. Please see aid authorization instructions for information on how to grant permission to pay in ATHENA. |
What do I do if I haven’t received my refund?
If you see a refund transaction on your student account, and you haven’t received your refund within 5-7 business days, please contact Student Account Services. To avoid delays in receiving a refund due to you, we recommend establishing a refund profile on your student account in ATHENA so that you can receive funds electronically. Students already enrolled for direct deposit should verify their refund profile each semester to ensure their bank account information is correct. |
How will I receive my refund?
Any credit card refund due to the student will be credited back to the card used for payment while any check refund due to the student will be direct deposited into the student's bank account if the student has enrolled for this service. If not, it will be mailed to the "Student Account Address" specified by the student in the Athena registration system. Please note credit balances from check and credit card will be applied to the student’s current balance first before any refunds are processed. To assist students in receiving their refund the quickest way possible, we ask students who have not already set up their refund profile on your ATHENA student account, please do so as soon as possible. Students already enrolled for direct deposit should verify their refund profile each semester to ensure their bank account information is correct. Please reference the Refund Profile Instructions for additional assistance. Once the refund process is initiated, it takes approximately 3-5 days for students on direct deposit to receive their credit in their bank account while the check writing process for students not on direct deposit takes approximately 5-7 days to arrive to the billing address specified in ATHENA. |
When and how will I receive my financial aid?
In general, financial aid, whether it is loans, grants, the Hope/Zell Scholarship or other scholarships, is first applied to your unpaid student account balance. Any remaining balances can be direct deposited into your bank account. Student Account Services will begin refunding credit balances at the beginning of the term. Please note it is possible to owe a balance after receiving a refund due to incurring additional charges as a result of adding hour or other services and/or failure to elect permission to pay to cover expenses related to other charges outside tuition, rent, and dining and/or receiving an adjustment to your financial aid award. A reduction in hours enrolled can also reduce your financial aid package (particularly awards related to the Hope Scholarship and the Pell Grant), leaving a balance due on your account. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid regarding questions about your award letter. |
Why do I still owe a balance after receiving my financial aid refund?
Please note, outstanding student account credits are applied to outstanding student account charges first where allowable; however, depending on financial aid authorizations the student has granted and charges incurred, funds may be refunded to the student while an amount due remains on the student’s account. It is imperative students ensure student account balances are satisfied in a timely manner to avoid restriction of services on campus as well as collection efforts. Please see https://busfin.uga.edu/bursar/Athena_Permission_to_Pay_v2.pdf for instructions on granting aid authorization for federal and state aid. Reductions in your financial aid award can also occur after refunding, leaving a balance due on your account. Over awards can stem from scenarios such as a reduction in hours enrolled, delayed credit hours transferred to UGA, additional aid added to your award letter and/or issues with your FASFA. |
Why was my financial aid reduced or removed?
Many factors play a part in your financial aid award package. Financial aid may be decreased for a number of reasons such as verification results, additional credit hours transferring in, credit hour adjustments to your schedule, additional resources awarded/reported, withdrawals, grade change, and/or failure to meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP). When changes are made to your award letter, you should receive an email directing you to review changes to your award letter in ATHENA. Should you have further questions about your aid, please email the Office of Financial Aid for assistance. |
How do I add the Athletic Fee if not required to pay?
Fees are assessed according to your primary campus and enrolled number of hours. Fees you were not assessed may be added during the term using the “Waive/Add Optional Fee” in ATHENA. Please note fees added can only be waived during the drop add period. |
How do I clear my Student Accounts Acknowledgement Hold?
Please reference instructions for clearing the Student Accounts Acknowledgement Hold. |
If I withdraw from the University of Georgia (regardless of campus), will I receive
a refund?
In general, students who formally withdraw from the University within the time period described by UGA policy will be entitled to a refund of tuition and mandatory fees. Refunds are not granted for individual course withdrawal. The following are not entitled to any refund of tuition and fees paid: students suspended for disciplinary reasons, students who leave the University when disciplinary action is pending, or students who do not formally withdraw. Refunds for room and board charges due to withdrawals during the term will be made on a prorated basis depending on the date of withdrawal. Students who withdraw from the University when the calculated percentage of remaining days in the term is 40% or less are not entitled to a refund of any portion of institutional charges. Students participating in study abroad programs should reference the Office of Global Engagement's Study Abroad Withdrawal Policy. In the event a student receives financial aid, completes registration, and subsequently reduces his/her enrollment status or withdraws, the refund issued by the University may need to be returned to the financial aid sources. The amount of refund to be returned to the federal, state, private, or University financial aid programs is determined by the regulations concerning refunds and repayments to those appropriate programs. If you are considering a hardship withdrawal, please reference Student Care and Outreach’s Hardship Withdrawls Resources Page for additional information. Please see https://policies.uga.edu/pdf/refund_policy_bursar.pdf for a full description of the UGA refund policy. Students who have questions regarding the financial impact of withdrawing can contact Student Financial Aid and Student Account Services prior to requesting the withdrawal. Students should also contact any other appropriate offices (e.g. University Housing, Office of International Education, Dining Services, Academic Advising, Registrar, Graduate School, Student Care and Outreach, etc.) if there are any questions concerning services upon withdrawing. Please note any veterans and dependents of veterans who are receiving educational benefits must notify the Office of Veterans Educational Benefits of any course load reduction (Office of the Registrar 706-542-4040). |
In the event, a study abroad program is canceled
or student needs to withdraw from the study abroad program, will a refund be
Please reference UGA’s Global Education Policies. |
Can my late fee we waived?
UGA students are eligible for a total of three grace waivers for late fees over their academic careers at the University. If you have been assessed a late fee and would like to request one of your allotted grace waivers, please complete the Late Fee Grace Waiver Request found on the student information tile of the Bursar and Treasury Service's website. A Student Account Services staff member will review your request, and if you’re eligible, the reduction of $50.00 will be reflected on your student account within 1-2 business days. Upon your grace waiver being applied, you should receive an email indicating your ticket has been resolved. If you are ineligible for a grace waiver, you will be contacted via email. |
I am a dual enrolled student, why is my account showing an amount due?
Upon acceptance as a dual enrolled student, dual enrolled students are assessed like any other student. The following must occur before a dual enrolled student's account will reflect their tuition and fees covered:
For courses approved by GaFutures, tuition and fees will be covered. Dual enrolled students are responsible for other student account charges such as tuition (not covered by GaFutures), parking permit/citation, dining, late fees, etc. Once steps 1-6 occur, SAS will coordinate with the UGA Bookstore and the student regarding their required book costs related to courses approved by Ga Futures. Please email stuacct@uga.edu regarding additional billing questions. |
I am a dual enrolled student, how do I obtain my book voucher?
Upon receiving a list of approved dual enrollment students from the UGA Office of Student Financial Aid, the UGA Student Account Services (SAS) prepares a textbook voucher for each student. The voucher is sent to the UGA Bookstore via email, and the student is copied on the email. When the textbooks are ready, the student is contacted by the UGA Bookstore to pick up the textbooks. If required course materials are not available at the UGA Bookstore, a student may purchase materials online or from another bookstore. The student will need to email SAS a receipt and a syllabus or a screenshot from eLC that outlines course requirements. SAS will process a refund to reimburse the student for the purchase upon review and approval of this documentation. Reimbursements are applied to the student’s account and excess funds are refunded to the student according to the student’s refund profile. SAS encourages students to set up direct deposit on their student account refund profile; otherwise, SAS will mail a paper check to the student’s address on file. Dual enrolled students may contact stuacct@uga.edu if they have questions regarding textbook vouchers. |
How do I pay on my student account?
Please see the Payments Tile on the Bursar and Treasury Services' website for payment options. UGA accepts check, electronic ACH, 529 disbursements, credit card and international payments via Flywire. In addition, UGA offers an internal payment plan for you to make payment in full by the 50% mark in the term. See our payment plan enrollment instructions for more details. |
How to access my student account OFF CAMPUS?
https://eits.uga.edu/stories/how_to_access_athena_off-campus/. If you are trying to access Athena off campus, you can login using the Remote Access VPN or the vLab service to access Athena. To log into vLab, visit vlab.uga.edu. To download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client and log in, follow the instructions on our Remote Access VPN page. Students, faculty and staff on campus and behind the campus firewall should be able to access Athena as normal. |
How to make payment on my student's bill?
In the event you are a parent/guardian trying to pay a bill for your student, you will need to be made an authorized user on your student's account. For instructions on how your student can set you up as an authorized user, please see these instructions from the Bursars office. Once authorized users are set up, they can login to pay their student's bill. |
How can I waive my student health insurance?
Students who are mandated to have coverage under the mandatory student health insurance plan may request to waive out of the mandatory plan if they have other acceptable health insurance coverage. Please reference HR's website for details on eligibility and instructions about how to submit a waiver request. Upon notification of approval from United Health Care, UGA will process a waiver for this charge. Please contact HR if you have additional questions about eligibility or coverage. https://hr.uga.edu/students/Mandatory_Plan/student_mandatory_plan_waiver/ |
Does UGA offer tuition protection insurance?
The University of Georgia has partnered with GradGuard who can provide our families
with tuition insurance featuring special plans and rates not available to the general
public. These benefits expand the scope of our refund policy and can provide reimbursement
for tuition, room, board, and other fees for a complete withdrawal due to a covered
illness, injury, or mental health condition at any time during the covered term. Plans
are optional but must be purchased before the end of drop/add. |
Can I change the amount of tuition protection insurance coverage?
Please GradGuard directly for guidance to making changes to your current insurance plan at http://gradguard.com/tuition/uga or call 1-877-794-6603. |
What kinds of charges are covered under the GradGuard insurance?
Please contact GradGuard for details regarding their tuition insurance plans at http://gradguard.com/tuition/uga or call 1-877-794-6603. |
What is GradGuard tuition protection insurance?
Why don't I see purchase of tuition insurance on my student account billing statement?
Charges and payments for tuition insurance are processed directly with GradGuard and such activity will not be reflected on your billing statement. If tuition insurance was purchased when logged into your student account, you will receive an email as well as see a box in the right-hand corner of your student account landing page indicating insurance was purchased. |